Pilling is a very normal part of owning a fabric sofa and can be caused by loads of different factors around the home.
Throws, rugs, clothes & pets can all leave additional fibres and as the surface comes in contact with a single or small group of fibres, the yarns will begin to twist, forming what is known as ‘pills’.
Don’t forget that your sofa is brand-spanking new and the yarns we used to create it contain millions of individual fibres. Losing a few of these on the surface as the fabric settles is as normal as wearing thongs to the beach.
The great news is, removing pilling is a piece of cake and will not affect the performance of your fabric. You can remove the pills yourself with an electric fabric shaver.
You can also vacuum your sofa on a weekly basis, this will help maintain the sofa and reduce the pilling.
If you experience pilling on your sofa fabric or even feel like a chat about your weekend you can contact our friendly customer service team and they'll be able to steer you in the right direction.